Sunday, August 12, 2012

High Country Bus Festival 16

This year was my 3rd year in a row going to the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, camping along the New River, the oldest river on Earth behind the Nile.  Twin Rivers campground is located along side of the New River, ending at a fork which one path flows South, while the other flows North.
This year the festival began on Monday, however I arrived Friday so I could get a little R&R in before the parties began. A few others showed up Friday and Saturday, but really started to trickle in Sunday.  Next year's HCBF will begin Sunday.

Newlyweds (middle), married in the river~ most beautiful wedding I've seen

Lenny and Karla

Jim & I ~ party animals (Sprout in background)

Lenny all decked out, with new tattoo

Tye Dye Tutorial

"Gears & Wrenches" ~ Acorn & Butternut squash


Ahhh, this is life

Rosin cooked potatoes~ strange and delicious

Wonderful Friends

Oh, Lenny... breakdown in the street makes way for plenty of help

Riding in style 1990 Vanagon can't wait to smoke these two slow Bays
The alternator went out on Lenny sometime during my drive to High Country, and I found out when we tried to leave.  So we had Nationwide tow him to Boone, where we had the alternator rebuilt. 
A word on AAA: I used AAA for many years and recently saw a decline in service.  I was not unhappy with AAA, but when suggested by Nationwide to ad their roadside assistance/trip interruption coverage for just $20 extra a year, I jumped for it.  At the moment I don't know how many times they'll tow, but its up to 100 miles each time and you do not have to wait with the vehicle for pick up.  AAA would assume I would wait on the side of the road in my car for sometimes as much as 4 hours before pick up, not to mention the delays that happen because other tows (like car accidents) took precedence.   Nationwide doesn't need you to stay and doesn't expect you to, has better service and is cheaper.  If you use Nationwide, I highly recommend the extra package.


  1. What a action packed picture filled blog post, I love it!!! Looks like a wonderful time.


  2. Great Post! Thanks for sharing. Sorry for your bus troubles. Great pics!

  3. Hi, Nice post thanks for sharing. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.



  4. Joel~ possibly if your site has to do with camping, vw buses or living life freely..
